Test Bank for Quick and Easy Medical Terminology 9th Edition Leonard
Chapter 03: Essential Prefixes and More
Leonard: Quick & Easy Medical Terminology, 8th Edition
1. Inflammation of the tissue adjacent to or near the appendix is called:
a. appendicitis
b. endoappendicitis
c. para-appendicitis
d. retroappendicitis
ANS: C REF: p. 61 TOP: Prefixes
2. Abnormal slowness of speech is called:
a. bradyphasia
b. dysphagia
c. phagocytosis
d. tachyphasia
ANS: A REF: p. 61 TOP: Prefixes
3. Anticonvulsive is a term that refers to:
a. an agent that causes convulsions
b. an agent that is used to prevent convulsions
c. epilepsy
d. narcolepsy
REF: p. 61 TOP: Prefixes
4. Hypoparathyroidism is the parathyroids.
a. a descriptive term for tissue around
b. above-normal secretion of
c. below-normal secretion of
d. normal secretion of
ANS: C REF: p. 61 TOP: Prefixes
5. A term that means able to live without oxygen is:
a. aerobic
b. aerosol
c. aerobic
d. anaerobic
ANS: D REF: p. 63 TOP: Prefixes
6. A type of drug that can be absorbed through the skin’s surface is:
a. intercellular
b. intradermal
c. subcutaneous
d. transdermal
ANS: D REF: p. 56 TOP: Prefixes
7. Which of the following terms does not contain a prefix that indicates location?
a. bradyphasia
b. endotracheal
c. mesonasal
d. peritonsillar
ANS: A REF: p. 61 TOP: Prefixes
8. Which of the following terms contains a word part that means yellow?
a. chloropia
b. cyanotic
c. melancholy
d. xanthosis
ANS: D REF: p. 64 TOP: Combining Forms for Colors
9. Which of the following terms does not contain a word part that means large or enlarged?
a. cephalomegaly
b. macrocyte
c. microscope
d. megalocytosis
ANS: C REF: p. 60 TOP: Prefixes
10. A fever-producing agent is called a:
a. pyoderma
b. pyogen
c. pyrogen
d. pyrophobia
ANS: C REF: p. 71 TOP: Additional Combining Forms
11. Painful or difficult movement is:
a. bradykinesia
b. dyskinesia
c. kinesiotherapy
d. tachykinesia
ANS: B REF: p. 68 TOP: Prefixes
12. A term for a cell that ingests particulate matter is:
a. erythrocyte
b. megalocyte
c. melanocyte
d. phagocyte
ANS: D REF: p. 68 TOP: Additional Combining Forms
13. Surgical crushing of a stone is:
a. calculus
b. lithiasis
c. lithogenesis
d. lithotripsy
ANS: D REF: p. 72 TOP: Additional Combining Forms
14. Cephalometry is:
a. a headache
b. an instrument used to measure the head
c. measurement of the head
d. study of the head
ANS: C REF: p. 67 TOP: Prefixes
15. Unusual sensitivity of the eyes to light is:
a. ophthalmitis
b. ophthalmopathy
c. optometry
d. photophobia
ANS: D REF: p. 70 TOP: Additional Combining Forms
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